by Middleton Stream Team | Oct 29, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
In this weeks Water Closet, Pike forwards another great story from Arthur McKee who witnessed a great blue heron feeding on a Pacific giant gopher. its hard to imagine a heron which we normally think of as feeding on fish swallowing a live giant gopher which continues its struggle to survive as it surges down the neck and gullet of this magnificent bird. I found the story fascinating and I think you will also.
by Middleton Stream Team | Oct 21, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
In this weeks Water Closet, Pike presents an article by Kerry Mackin, former Executive Director of the Ipswich River Watershed Association, who visited Arizona and writes about a parched and dry part of our country where rainfall is scarce, yet growth continues unbounded taxing the limited water resources of the region, the problem being further compounded by mans often misguided and wasteful use of such limited water resources. It should also make us all think a little more about water conservation in our own back yard since our water supplies are also not unlimited.
by Middleton Stream Team | Oct 15, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
Water Closet for 10-18-13 Septic Systems In last week’s Water Closet we mentioned the famous Crane Estate in Ipswich. The Cranes of Chicago made their fortune manufacturing and selling plumbing supplies. This week the Water Closet flushes an essay on its readers...
by Middleton Stream Team | Oct 9, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
In this weeks Water Closet, Pike once again opines on the beauty of the area surrounding the mouth of the Ipswich River with its beaches, hills, salt marshes, tidal flats and sand bars. It may well be as close as we can get to heaven on earth.
by Middleton Stream Team | Oct 5, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
In this week’s Water Closet, Pike provides a graphic description of a magnificent raptor catching and swallowing its unfortunate prey. it is a lesson in how nature has endowed some predators with the optimum anatomy and skills to survive in the wilderness.
by Middleton Stream Team | Sep 24, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
In this weeks Water Closet, Pike tells about a recent trip along the Ipswich River with fellow Stream Teamers. Pike notes the impact of the resurgent beaver population in changing the landscape of the river flood plane which likely would not be apparent to those who do not venture onto the river. Hopefully the article will inspire people to appreciate the beauty of the river and its surround as a sanctuary from our man made world and make them want to preserve it for future generations..
by Roger Talbot | Sep 20, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
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by Roger Talbot | Sep 20, 2013 | President
by Roger Talbot | Sep 20, 2013 | secretary
This is the excerpt – kjkasjdkasjdkajdkajsdaasdsasdjdkajsdkajsdkajsdkajsdkajdkajsdaksjdh