Middleton Stream Team Winter Hike

The MST invites you to join us for our Annual Winter Hike February 12 from 12:45-3:45! Longtime MST member Peter Goodwin will lead us in a hike through the woods, past a bog, glacial erratics and some beaver dams. If ice forms, we may have opportunities to explore...

Middleton Stream Team Photo Contest

The Middleton Stream Team created our MST Annual Photo Contest to develop appreciation, enjoyment, and stewardship of Middleton’s many miles of the Ipswich River, local streams, and wetlands, as well as the wildlife living in those habitats. We’re excited to...

2022 Earth Day Festival

Join us for the Middleton Stream Team’s Annual Earth Day Festival! The event will be on Sunday, May 1st from 12PM-3PM on the former Middleton Golf Course grounds. It a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon visiting with friends while learning about our Earth and...

Middleton Stream Team Annual Winter Hike

Interested in some exciting family fun? Looking to get out of the house and get exploring? Join us and the Ipswich River Watershed Association on our 22nd Annual Winter Family Hike on Saturday, January 29th! Meet at 12:45 on North Liberty Street at Mundy Bridge where...

Celebrating John Bacon’s Ninetieth Birthday

John Bacon, an amazing member of the Stream Team, celebrated his birthday last week. He enjoyed a small gathering arranged by his children as he turned ninety years old. John was an early leader of the Middleton Stream Team and led as a board member and president for...