by Middleton Stream Team | Aug 23, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
In this weeks Water Closet, Pike offers a different perspective on what are often called “invasive species”. The term itself often raises fears of some foreign plant species taking over our landscape at the expense of native plant species. Purple loosestrife is one example that raised such fears a decade age, however those fears did not materialize and Purple Loosestrife today is on the wane, whether thru man’s intervention or the natural balance of nature is left for the readers conjecture. The story makes for interesting reading and may even influence how people think about “invasive species”.
by Middleton Stream Team | Aug 14, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
In this week’s Water Closet, Pike relates a story by forestry researcher, Arthur McKee of his surreal encounter with a moose in Alaska at temperatures between minus 50 and 55 degrees. The story is a testament to the adaptability and beauty of nature. Unfortunately, Arthur did not have a camera with him at the time, but his story paints a word picture that I think will amaze and delight readers.
by Middleton Stream Team | Aug 6, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
On Sunday afternoon July 28, 2013 Middleton lost one of its most energetic citizens. Rita M. (McGilloway) Kelley, 86, longtime friend of the Stream Team and almost anyone else who ever met her, died. How can we relate her to water, our subject?
by Middleton Stream Team | Aug 4, 2013 | Water Closet Blog
In this weeks Water Closet, Pike states a compelling case for not spraying to control mosquitos. Although the risk of contracting mosquito born illnesses such as West Nile Virus and Equine Encephalitis is quite small, for those few unlucky ones who do, the consequences are quite dire. I personally would like to see a thorough debate in the press on this controversial issue of whether or not to spray. I can think of no better way to precipitate this debate than to publish Pikes WC and await for the responses from the other side of the argument which are sure to come.