by Middleton Stream Team | Apr 15, 2014 | Water Closet Blog
Water Closet for April 18, 2014 On March 11, 2011 the tsunami came ashore and surged far inland along the low northeast coast of Honshu, Japan. The power plant at Fukushima was severely damaged. Radiation still leaks from it three years later. This story continues...
by Middleton Stream Team | Apr 14, 2014 | Activities
(See slideshow below) On a sunny April afternoon approximately seventy people, young to old, headed out on the trail from Lake Street around Middleton Pond. First stop was a lesson in tree identification (hemlock, spruce, red pine and white pine). Then we engaged the...
by Middleton Stream Team | Apr 10, 2014 | Activities
Many thanks to all of our great volunteers! View Slidshow…
by Middleton Stream Team | Apr 9, 2014 | Events
Middleton Earth Day Festival – May 3rd, 2014 (rain date May 17th) , 1-4PM. Creighton Pond Camp, 210 Essex St. Middleton. Following a very successful Earth Day Festival last year at the Creighton Pond Day Camp, an exciting new venue, the Middleton Stream Team...
by Middleton Stream Team | Apr 8, 2014 | Water Closet Blog
Water Closet for April 11, 2014 Last week a Closeteer received an old fashioned letter via snail mail from a farmer friend for two-thirds of a century. They went to school together in the “Pioneer Valley”, more appropriately called the Connecticut Valley. Both were...
by Roger Talbot | Apr 3, 2014 | Featured Article
Save The Date! Middleton Earth Day Festival – May 4th, 2014 (rain date May 18th) , 1-4PM. Creighton Pond Camp, 210 Essex St. Middleton. The Middleton Earth Day Festival has an exciting new venue for this year! In partnership with Creighton Pond day camp in...
by Middleton Stream Team | Apr 1, 2014 | Water Closet Blog
Water Closet for April 4, 2014 Last week as the thick ice on Middleton Pond finally melted around its edges, two old Closeteers from Middleton drove northeast along the river to catch a late afternoon low tide in Ipswich. They said they were seeking clams but we know...
by Middleton Stream Team | Mar 25, 2014 | Water Closet Blog
Water Closet for March 28, 2014 Last Thursday, the 20th of March, the sun shown directly down on the equator. Had we a sextant and gone out at proper noon when the sun was highest and straight south above our meridian we would have found its altitude here about 47...
by Middleton Stream Team | Mar 18, 2014 | Water Closet Blog
WATER CLOSET for March 21, 2014 A sad and disturbing book entitled A Time to Die by Robert Moore1 was passed on by a friend to the Water Closet. It is about a submarine accident. For some readers, however, its larger subject is of poison- containing ships...
by Middleton Stream Team | Mar 17, 2014 | Events
Spring has arrived! Join the Middleton Stream Team Vernal Pool Spring Hike Sunday April 6, 1-4pm Annual spring hike to vernal pools and other water bodies to see what animals might have come forth as the ice melts. We will loop through the woods stopping at...