The Middleton Stream Team is proud to announce the launch of our “newest” redesigned website. On behalf of all of us, WELCOME!

New Features:

The new site features a beautiful magazine style theme with a sleek, modern design layout that will balance readability with a powerful use of photography — all in a layout that can be viewed on devices of all sizes, from smartphones and tablets up to the latest and greatest HiDPI screens.

Organized Structure:

The website structure is dominated by six “featured” posts that are prominently displayed in a grid and are displayed with great visibility with images that will quickly grab your attention.

Get Social:

Integrating our web site with the new Middleton Stream Team Facebook Fan Page will allow you to input your hiking or canoeing experiences and share what you see with your friends.

So get into it!

We encourage you to explore the new site and thanks to everyone who has given us feedback on the site design, and helped us to create the more connected, organized and social Middleton Stream Team website you see today.